
  • 2023年よりギャルリー・ヴィーにてお取り扱いの始まった、パリ発のニットブランド〈Edna〉
    今年もギャルリー・ヴィー 自由が丘店に、〈Edna〉の新作アイテムが豊富に入荷いたしました。

  • デザイナーLindseyが、染色から、編みまで行う、ナチュラルダイ、ハンドメイド、ワンオブアカインドにこだわったニットブランド〈Edna〉。

  • 1・スタイルのある人とはどんな人だと思いますか?また、あなたのスタイルを表すものは何ですか?
    What do you think a person with their own style looks like?And how would you describe your own style?

    私のスタイルは10代の頃からほとんど変わっていないと思います!私は主にヴィンテージのジーンズ、T シャツ、ブラウス、チェック柄を良く着ますが、プルオーバーのセーターやカーディガンもたくさん着ます。

    I think a person with style carries themselves uniquely and just wears what they like or what is available to them but has a certain charisma and flair. My style hasn’t changed too much from when I was a teenager I’d say! I wear mostly vintage jeans, t shirts, blouses, plaids and lots of pullover sweaters or cardigans! Knits always seem to find me. I wear a mix of my clothes, my grandmother’s (Edna), my friends or clothes from past relationships. I also sometimes make aspirational purchases that I think will be me but have so far not yet become me. Maybe there’s hope..
  • 2・自分の人生に影響を与えたコトはなんですか?
    What has been an important influence in your life?


    The things that have certainly impacted me the most are movies, books and friendships/relationships. Making art has always been a saviour to me too. I love to draw and to write. I hope to constantly pivot and create new projects for myself that intersect somehow but also stand alone.
  • 3・生活する中で大切なコトは?好きなことは?
    What is the most important thing/factor in your life,such as your interests,obsessions outside of work?


    It’s important to me to continue to be curious and follow my impulses wherever they take me. Traveling really inspires me in terms of discovering new cultures and design wise new textures and colours. My relationship to myself and to the people in my life are really important to me. I love to see movies as often as I can, go to new exhibitions, read, listen to podcasts, be in nature when I can. My current obsession is ceramics. I discovered I love to hand build and draw on the ceramics when they’re dry before glazing and adding colours. I’m also spending a lot of time writing and working on future collections that expand past knitwear but still including knits because I love to make them.
  • 5・ファッションは自分にとってどんな存在ですか?
    What does "fashion" mean to you?


    I’m not sure what fashion means to me. It seems to imply something trendy. I really care about clothes and finding pieces you connect with and wearing them for a long time or leaving it for a while if it isn’t your style at the moment and then returning to it once it is. I like remembering the history behind each clothing item that it could be from a friend of a friend of a friend or exactly what store I got it from at a certain stage in my life. But most of the time I feel like clothes find you the way that a book or a movie can find you at the moment you’re ready for them. I love the transformational power a new shirt or sweater can provide. When you feel like this new piece is going to escort you into the next phase of your life. I like how clothes can inform your mood where I know that if I put on this too big for me striped blouse with tiny gems on the front that’s my grandmothers I’m probably looking for security or to disappear even though the blouse is quite loud!
  • knit(multi colour) / ¥176,000
    knit(yellow) / ¥176,000
    knit vest(red) / ¥108,900
    knit(brown) / ¥176,000
    knit vest(green) / ¥108,900

